Presidential administration in the era of Yudhoyono, many reforms are carried out including the education sector in Indonesia. Minister of Education made the rules to all High Level School in order to take the National Exam as a graduation requirement.
The government objectives is for the quality of student's graduation that is able to improve the existing quality. It's also concerned about human resources.
Ministry of Education regulations is to apply a standard system of graduation. The average value of the test that must be achieved by the students is determined by this policy.
Consequently very many students who failed on the National Exam. This is what makes the controversy at all level of society.
Which is wrong exactly, the students or the system? This is very damaging psychological and can make depression. The students who failed in the National Exam will be sad and event have a psychological trauma. So that the condition make a very broad impact in their live. They can do everything commit suicide by drinking insectiside, hang themselves and event set fire to himself.
The government needs to review these rules. And this need to discussed with the educations expert and practicioners. So that the quality of education in their Country.
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